
Announcements about videotapes and DVDs from JusticeVision, including the Democracy University and Democracy Digest series; Ralph Cole, editor. Videotapes are $5 each; DVDs are only $3. Order form at http://members.pdxweb.net/justicevision/ or by e-mail at orders@justicevision.org

Muckrakers' Clearinghouse January 2006 Book Catalog & Order Form

Link to This | Online Order Form

To order, print this page and mail it with your payment to:

Ralph Cole / JusticeVision, 1425 W. 12th St. #262, Los Angeles, CA, 90015.

For more information click here.

Title Author(s)Pub. Date # of Pages List Price Your Price (50% off List Price) Quantity Row Total (price X quantity)
The Rise and Rise of Richard B. Cheney: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Most Powerful Vice President in American History (Paperback -- this is the paperback version of "Dick" listed below.) John Nichols Nov. 2005 256 $14.95 $ 7.50
Tragedy and Farce: How the American Media Sell Wars (Hardcover) John Nichols & Robert McChesney Nov. 2005 192 $21.95 $11.00
The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq (Paperback -- note that the hardcover edition is also listed below) Christian Parenti Nov. 2005 224 $14.95 $ 7.50
Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington (Paperback) George Galloway Sept. 2005 144 $13.95 $ 7.00
The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex; Revised and Updated Edition (Paperback) Helen Caldicott April 2004 304 $17.95 $9.00
The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People's History of Ancient Rome (Paperback) Michael Parenti Aug. 2004 276 $16.95 $ 8.50
The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq (Hardcover -- note that the paperback edition is also listed above) Christian Parenti Nov. 2004 211 $21.95 $11.00
Dick: The Man Who is President (Hardcover -- this is the predecessor of "The Rise and Rise of Dick Cheney" listed above.) John Nichols Sept. 2004 224 $23.95 $12.00
The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans and Their Families (Hardcover) Beth Shulman Sept. 2003 255 $25.95 $13.00
The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People's History of Ancient Rome (Hardcover) Michael Parenti July 2003 160 $24.95 $12.50
Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (Paperback) Noam Chomsky Feb. 2002 432 $19.95 $10.00
Jews for Buchanan: Did You Hear the One About the Theft of the American Presidency? (Paperback) John Nichols Nov. 2001 144 $14.95 $ 7.50

Please add $2 for first book for shipping: $ 2.00

Please add $1 for each additional book for shipping: $____

Column Subtotal: $____

California residents please add 8.25% sales tax, or
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an approximation thereof ($ .75 per book works): $____

(Optional) Extra Donation: $____
Email Address:

Total for Books: $____

Orders will be accepted up to February 28, 2006. After that, please call first to see if we've extended the deadline.

Please order as early as possible so we can estimate early how many of each book we need to order. Offer is subject to availability. Be sure to indicate which and how many books you are ordering by filling in the corresponding dollar amount(s) in the space provided at the end of each row. Orders wihout prepayment will not be filled.

Make your check payable to JusticeVision & send it to Ralph Cole, 1425 W. 12th St. #262, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Please include your phone number & email address. To order online visit JusticeVision.org & click on "Online Order Form" near the top; to pay online visit paypal.com and make payment to Ralph@JusticeVision.org . Call us at (213) 747-6345 if you have questions about your order.

Thank you!